YIELD 4-5 half-pints

Our friend and customer Jamie DeMent of Coon Rock Farm and Piedmont in Durham just released her latest book – Canning in the Modern Kitchen. It’s full of techniques and tips for canning, plus over 100 recipes for fruits, veggies, and meat. It’s a must-have for any home cook who wants to seal in the flavors of each season.

We often hear from customers who are interested in canning fresh fish, but are worried about botulism or degradation of the flavor and texture. Jamie’s recipes are well-researched and should reduce your risk of botulism as long as you don’t substitute any ingredients. After canning, if you see white crystals forming in the jars, that’s normal. You’ll have to buy the book to find out why. Shop the book here.

Tuna in oil

YIELD 4-5 half-pints

This was a product I was familiar with from living in Spain in college. I was thrilled to learn to make it at home. The tuna can be eaten straight from the jar as a snack or added to salads, pastas, and toasts for an added pungent twist.

When you are working with tuna, remember that it’s a histamine fish and shouldn’t be allowed to get warm until it is being cooked or processed. If the tuna isn’t kept cold, it will start to break down and grow bacteria quickly. Always keep it on ice when you are working with it, and use the freshest fish you can get.


Get your pressure-canning equipment ready and have your jars ready.

3–4 pounds fresh tuna belly, skin on

1⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt per half-pint jar

2–3 cups olive oil


1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a large baking pan with foil and place a cooking rack or grate in it.

2. Place the tuna belly skin side down on the prepared rack. Roast for 1 hour, then let cool on a rack on the counter for 1 hour. Cover tightly and refrigerate overnight.

3. The next day, take the tuna from the refrigerator, peel off the skin, and remove and dis- card any unsightly parts— blood vessels, bones, or discolored flesh. Slice the cleaned-up fish into 1⁄4″-thick pieces that will fit lengthwise in your jars.

4. Pack the tuna tightly, in standing rows, into hot, sterilized jars. Add the recommended amount of salt per jar and pour enough of the oil into each jar to cover all the tuna. Leave 1″ of headspace. Gently tap the jars to remove air bubbles.

5. Wipe the rim of each jar carefully with a clean towel to ensure a good seal, and carefully place the lids and rims on.

6. Follow your pressure-canning process and process at 10 pounds of pressure for 1 hour 40 minutes for pint or half-pint jars, adjusting for altitude based on the chart on page 24.

Reprinted from CANNING IN THE MODERN KITCHEN. Copyright © 2018 by by Jamie DeMent. Published by Rodale Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House